+971 55 8839240 [email protected]

Glass Door Repair Dubai

Lion aluminium and glass  is the leading provider of same-day door glass repair in Dubai. We service more than 100 locations across the city, so there’s always someone nearby to help you.

Our #1 goal is to help you protect your home and office with best glass door repair service. That way, you can keep your customers coming back. And we make sure to deliver exceptional results every single time. Needless to say, our happy customers are the proof that we’re doing something right. But we also get glowing testimonials from our clients on a regular basis.

We service all types of glass doors, including sliding patio doors, french doors, sliding glass door, aluminium and glass sliding door and more. We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help with any issues that may arise.

Glass door repair dubai-min

Repairing Services

Floor Machine Repairing

Glass door floor machine-min
  • EAdusting speed
  • EAligning the door
  • EReplacing non functional floor machine

Door Handles

Glass door floor machine-min
  • ELose handle fixing
  • EReplacing broken handles
  • EStainless steel & aluminum handles

Patch Fitting Repairing

Patch lock , patch fitting and glass door patch top-min
  • EPatch lock fittings
  • EPatch fitting replacement
  • ERepairing patch fitting

Glass Door Floor Machine

A floor machine is a machine that is used in the process of installing a glass door. It is used in the installation of a glass door because it helps in the alignment and closure of the door.

It is a really important to keep your floor machine running smoothly. Always clean the floor machine after few weeks of use to remove any dirt, deposits or liquids that have seeped into it. You can also use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior of the unit before you store it in a dry location. Be sure to always maintain the handler and scraper blade in a functional condition to ensure they work effectively when in use. This includes periodically replacing them as necessary to ensure they are always sharp and ready for use!

The best way I’ve found to clean my floor machine is by using a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment, then spraying it with cleaner and wiping it down with a wet cloth afterwards.

Geze Dorma Floor machine repairing in dubai-min
Geze Dorma Floor machine repairing in dubai-min
Geze Dorma Floor machine repairing in dubai-min
Dorma Floor Machine Installation & Replacement

Do you have a busy restaurant or hotel or building enterance?

If so, then the Dorma floor machine is perfect for you. It’s designed to  handle high footfall of customers day in day out.

Stainless Steel Glass Door Handles

Patch Fitting Installation & Replacement

Not only is Dubai the commercial capital of the UAE, but it’s also a global hub, and is known throughout the world for its charm and hospitality.
Dubai offers every type of environment from lush greenery to thriving metropolitan areas – which makes it an up-to-date city that one can pleasantly enjoy shopping in, working in and living in at any time of year. With an excellent infrastructure which includes a fantastic international airport with direct links to over 150 destinations, fast trains running through its metro system, plenty of new highways for cars plus excellent taxi services available…

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